
To the Northeast Morgan County Water and Sewer Authority. Our goal is to provide quality water and sewer services for our community friends and neighbors. Please feel free to contact us via email or by calling our office at 256.778.8915. We look forward to serving your water and sewer needs. We at Northeast Morgan County Water and Sewer Authority strive to keep our water rates as low as possible. Please Click Here for Current Water Rates established by our Board of Directors effective October 1, 2018.

NEW! Pay Your Bill by Phone or Online

24x7 convenient payment options (after-hours, weekends - 365 days per year)

Pay By Phone

Call now! 1-844-830-6230

NEW! Pay Your Bill Online

Click the button below:

*** WARNING *** Beware of Third Party Bill Payment Sites! ***

All customers should be aware that Northeast Morgan County Water and Sewer Authority is NOT responsible for payments made on websites other than at NEMORGANWS.COM. Payments made on DOXO and other online utility/bill payment websites are not sent to the Northeast Morgan County Water and Sewer Authority Office immediately. It can take weeks for NE Morgan WS to receive a paper check in the mail. Your account can be subject to late fees and penalties such as Service Cut-offs. Those payments go through several companies and banks before a check is generated and mailed to us with your account information. NE Morgam County Water & Sewer Authority has absolutely NO control over how and when payments made on other websites are processed. 

DOXO and all other websites that provide online payment services HAVE NO affiliation and ARE NOT AUTHORIZED to accept payments on behalf of Northeast Morgan County Water and Sewer Authority.